Has your church paid its 2018 WNCA dues?
Years ago, the clergy and delegates of the Western NC Association voted to fund our ministry together by paying annual dues. Our churches agreed to pay $2 per member, based on the membership the church reports to the UCC Yearbook and DataHub. That vote makes WNCA dues different from any other contribution to the UCC, the Conference, or the wider church.
We voted to pay Association dues each year — we actively agreed to honor this commitment.
As you can see in the table below, more than half of our WNCA churches pay their full and fair share — and we couldn’t do ministry without those faithful gifts! A handful pay some portion of their agreed dues, but fall short of fulfilling their commitment. And sadly, we still have a set of churches that choose not to pay their dues.
At the WNCA Annual Meeting on October 6, we’ll review an updated version of this table to the gathered body. We’ll also be honoring the churches (shown in bold on the table) that have provided additional support to fund the 2018 MCA stipend voted at the 2017 Annual Meeting — ideally, at least $200 per church to reach our $6,000 goal.
Click here to view the table in a new tab. If you have questions, please reach out to WNCA President Cheri Lovell. We look forward to celebrating a record level of commitment at the Annual Meeting — please be sure your church can find its name in the green zone!