WNCA 2021 Spring Educational Forum: “Emotional Sustainability”
March 6, 2021, 9 AM - 12 PM, on Zoom Tickets $10, Free for Youth (Under 18) [video width="1280" height="720"...
Register for the 2020 Annual Meetings!
Due to Covid-19 precautions our 2020 Annual Meeting will be held virtually in conjunction with the Southern Conference, from October 16-17, 2020. Join the WNCA on October 16 as we vote to become a WISE association and review our WNCA Constitution & Bylaws.
Education Day 2020: Becoming WISE
Register today for WNCA's annual Education Day on Saturday, March 7 from 8:30am–3:00pm! This year, we'll focus on becoming a WISE Association and WISE churches — Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged for Mental Health. Early bird discount ends February 23!
Ecclesiastical Councils Policy Clarified
In the UCC, each Association maintains the authority to ordain ministers and grant ministerial standing for their region. When an individual seeks to be ordained to ministry in the UCC, the candidate engages in a lengthy period of discernment that includes their local...
AM2018 Highlights
Over 140 attendees representing two-thirds of WNCA churches gathered at Abernethy Laurels for the WNCA Annual Meeting. With worship interwoven throughout the day, the morning offered educational presentations and music from Mt. Hope UCC's choir and musicians, while...
Sign up to join WNCA Disaster Response
The Western NC Association is building a Disaster Response & Recovery Team — people and churches who want to participate in or support direct work on-the ground, helping people recover from disaster and restore some normalcy to their homes and their lives. Even if you...
Help Carolinians clean up!
In response to the impact of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Florence, the Southern Conference is sponsoring a Clean-Up Campaign — a drive to supply 500 Clean-Up Buckets to people seeking to recover. Click the button to learn how you and your church can help!
2nd Monday Webinars begin in October
On October 8, the first in an ongoing series of free, monthly webinars begins! Each month, WNCA subject experts will offer programs on topics ranging from church budgets to mental health to end-of-life planning. You'll need to register in advance to receive the...
Love Your Neighbor — here’s how!
On March 3, over 80 members of churches across the WNCA met at Abernethy Laurels to explore what it means to Love Your Neighbor. Using a World Cafe discussion style led by The Rev. Tamara Franks of High Country UCC, the gathered body developed a great list of ways to...
Celebrate Jerry & Love Your Neighbor — March 3
Saturday, March 3, 2018 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM $10 including lunch & refreshments Learn more about putting your faith in action — both as an individual and as a church! Join us for the annual WNCA Education Gathering featuring one of the UCC's Three Great Loves: Love...